Looking for a stylish leather handbag? View our wide range of leather handbags, available in the most beautiful colours.
A perfectly fitting leather handbag is an extension of your outfit. It completes your outfit and dots the i. With that in mind, at Chesterfield we design and produce the most beautiful handbags for ladies.
Handbags are available in many types and various colours. Our leather handbags are mainly made in brown, black and timeless cognac. For some models we also added the colours red, taupe and anthracite. So there is always a good matching colour available.
Every opportunity requires a different look. For example, for the chic handbags we have often used odean leather. This type of leather is characterized for a sleek, smooth finish with a shiny layer. This gives the handbag a neat, chic look.
For more casual occasions we offer plenty of bags. Take a look at the bags of (vintage) wax pull up leather. This type of leather feels softly and smoothly and becomes more beautiful as the bag is worn more often. In short, plenty of choice! Combine your unique style with a Chesterfield leather handbag.
Do you have questions about the leather handbags or other products from The Chesterfield Brand? Do not hesitate and contact us. We are happy to help you or tell you more about our brand and products